Hello, World!

Hello there!
[I am not the General (get it? :P)]


This is the obligatory first post introducing my new blog to the world. I will be using this space to help me grow and improve my skills. For example, I intend to regularly solve programming questions and add them here to track my progress in speed and elegance of solutions that I come up with.

There might be ramblings about State of the Web, State of the tech, or State of the Union. I do not intend to scope down what goes in here. Hopefully, all the ramblings will help me recollect my thoughts and measure improvements, if any.


As of today, when I am publishing this first post, this site needed about 9k LOC. Its built to work well with desktops and mostly well with mobile browsers. A custom theme, information, and a CI/CD integration are part of this setup. All in all, it is a product of about 7 days of work.

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
JSON                             1              0              0             46
SVG                              3              0              0           3927
Stylus                          88           1041            487           3604
EJS                             22             15             11            464
JavaScript                      11             57            120            383
YAML                             3             24             16            102
CSS                              2              0             11             96
Markdown                         1              8              0             37
TOML                             1              0              0              3
SUM:                           132           1145            645           8662


Here is a haunting picture depicting the race!

: The magnificent Aravind